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Engelse soldaat zoekt jongen uit Diksmuide - UPDATE !!

do 21 feb. - 0:30

Kent iemand deze jongen? Hij beleefde z'n kindertijd in Diksmuide tussen de soldaten tussen 1940 en 1945. Na de oproep van 15 februari kwam er heel wat reacties en nu... mét resultaat!

"Bob Bamber was billeted in a school in Diksmuide after WWII while he was serving in the British Army. During his time in Diksmuide Bob befriended a young boy named Rennie (Surname unknown).

The soldiers in the unit made Rennie and honorary member of the unit and made him a uniform, took him on parade and made sure that he had enough food for him and his family. This is one memory that has staye...d with Bob over the years, he is now 89 years old and Rennie who would have been about 5 years old at the time would now be in his mid sixties.
Bob emigrated to New Zealand after the war and spent many years as a detective in the police force. He is still in very good health and his memory is excellent. In the many conversations I've had with him he refers to Rennie and wonders what became of him."


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